Wednesday, February 27, 2008

How would you feel?

In the book there is a part where the Lost Boys come across a forgotten SPLA group. The soldiers allow the boys to stay there for a while. The next day another SPLA group of soldiers traveling with men, woman and children come. The Lost boys asked for some of their food and water but their request is rejected and they are chased out of the village. How would you feel if the people that were fighting for your rights denied you food and water then chased you out of the safety of the village?

Lindsay White


Anonymous said...

I would feel like they are not doing all they can to protect me which would make me quite angery due to the fact that they are causing suffering not preventing it.

Lexi Idreos

Anonymous said...

I would have felt betrayed if I was rejected food and water when I was starving, and if the people that were fighting for me didn’t help me with just food and water that they have enough of I would start to not respect them.
-Mike Twitchell

Anonymous said...

I would feel betrayed and somewhat ashamed of where I came from. Being denied for food and water by the people who are fighting for me would make me ungreatful for them. They would be greedy and selfish and wouldn't be helping me survive, or anyone else survive even though they are fighting for our rights.

Courtney Williams

Anonymous said...

I would feel very angry because the people fighting for the country are supposed to protect the people the best they can. I be very angry for not even getting food from them.

-Val Hall

Anonymous said...

I would feel betrayed.I wouldn't get why they would save you from being killed,but not from dying of starvation.

Jimmy Corbett

Anonymous said...

I would feel a lot of anger towards the people even though they were the same as me they would make me feel like an outcast and like the SPLA soldiers did teach them the right way to treat people.

Derek Schwartz

Anonymous said...

I think it makes no sense, like fighting for their rights and then not giving them supplies thats lame and unfair. Then being chased out of my village, I would be pretty mad. Especially since they need food and shelter. I would be confused,and fight back so i can have the protection I needed.

-Meg O'Neal

Sara. said...

I would feel extremely betrayed by my own kind and also ashamed of the fact I'm within the same race as these hypocrites, and I would also feel very unprotected. I would want to yell at them, and possibly even fight against them fo get food and water but I really could not because they still are fighting for me; in a sense.