Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Toy Soldiers

In Sudan, when villages are raided boys young enough to still be raised in a different culture are taken. Any boy big enough to hold a gun is taken and conscripted into a militia. Whether they choose to or not they go through intense training to drive them to killing. Once on the inside they are given alcohol to stay with the militia.-Max


Anonymous said...

Good info max it really opened my eyes to how the militias do things.

*Derek Schwartz*

Sara. said...

That is horrendous. The only thing the young boys will know, then, is war, death and destruction! It defies all logic of their humanity and emotions. I mean sure, every human has animal instincts but to turn someone into a complete animal is just not right. Also, what kind of bribe is alcohol? There’s more to life than getting drunk…

Anonymous said...

I didn’t know that the militia took all the boys that could hold a gun I thought it was just older kids.
-Mike Twitchell